Monday, February 1, 2016

Dear Chi Omega

Dear Chi Omega,

            Thank you for imparting on me role models to look up to. I have always had strong female leaders in my life, in my family, parents friends, teachers and my own friends, but Chi Omega has given me a chance to really find people my own age (and younger) to guide me. I have been helped by their actions, words, and character. My sisters have shown me how to be strong, how to be true to yourself, how to help others, how to be kind, and how to be selfless. They have helped guide me to be my own person, to love unconditionally, to be a pillar of support for others, to be a role model for everyone around me, and they have helped me feel like I am special to someone.

            Thank you for confirming for me how I am an important part of something so much bigger than myself. Sometimes I can feel like my life is insignificant and that I am not making an impact. Sometimes life gets you down and you don’t know why you continue to work hard with no results. Chi Omega taught me that no matter the difference you are making, no matter how small you may seem, you are a part of something much larger than yourself and you are important.

            Thank you for showing me how relationships are meant to be maintained, and how significant they can be in life. I have met so many amazing women as a part of an active member of Pi Gamma, and Chi Omega as a whole. I have a random mix of friends as a result, from my sisters to my fellow Greeks. I have become close to many of them through shared interests, random moments, and both tragedy and triumph. I have had a hard time maintaining some of these relationships across the world, while others have become stronger. There have been ties that have been cut, I have been hurt by some of the people closest to me, and it’s been a difficult road for some of us. However, through all of that, I have come to realize that some people can’t belong in your life, but those that stick it out and support you no matter what are the friendships to hold onto. Even those who can’t stay in your life have helped build you up, even through those tests. The friendships that you form in your life will help you become the person you are, and will hold strength for you. Your friends and sisters will be there for you and help you grow, flourish, and become a much better person than you thought you could ever be.

            Thank you for aiding me in realizing how important lessons are to learn, both good and bad. Times can get tough and not every moment is going to be happy. But no matter what happens, it happens for a reason. Even in the hardest times, lessons are being learned and you are growing as a person. In the happy moments, those also help you grow as a person, but in a different way. Both times and memories are meant to help you flourish and become a better women than you were before. Chi Omega showed me how to take those lessons and moments of trial and triumph and help them mold me into a stronger woman.

            Thank you for expressing to me that no matter what, the people I share ideals with will help me on my path in life. I have sisters that share the same principles and they want the same things from life, but I also have those that differ in a lot of ways. Our common bond however is that we are a part of Chi Omega. I have also found solace in men and women from other Greek organizations. Our bond may not be that we are a part of the same organization, but we all are working towards something bigger than ourselves, and with that knowledge we are able to make friendships in a system that helps us grow as people.

            Thank you for giving me memories that will last a lifetime. From the random late night food runs to study sessions, from crying on shoulders from sadness to laughing until you cry, Chi Omega gave me some of the best moments in my college life and in turn in my life in general. I have so many pictures that capture the good times, but so many more in my head that have helped me when I’m feeling down. The good, great, fun, and amazing times I had with my sisters have helped me when I need a pick me up, because they remind me that life really is great, and I am so blessed to be a part of this organization. The little moments and things are the ones that stick with you the most. Whether it’s a kind smile from a sister, a word of encouragement, a “thank you” from someone, laughing on the red couch, late night Zimmerman study times, or Greek Week wins, those are the most significant times, and I’m learning that more than ever in Peace Corps—to take the small moments because they will become the defining time of your life and your experiences.

            Thank you for helping me feel at home, no matter where in the world I am. When I was in college I didn’t want to feel like 1 person in thousands, as my university was so much bigger than my high school. When I joined Chi Omega, I came into a family and I felt right at home at 1810 Mesa Vista Rd. When I graduated and moved across the world, I felt isolated and alone a lot. But I found a home in the Symphony I look at every morning, the pictures on my wall from my time in the house, the words of support and encouragement online from my sisters back home, the support of a fellow Chi Omega in my Peace Corps group, and the knowledge that I still belong to this great sisterhood, even across the world.

            Thank you for revealing to me that my stubbornness in not wanting to go through recruitment and then not wanting to follow my family was stupid. I was hoping to not like Chi Omega, so I could be my own person, but after pref night and how I felt, I knew Chi Omega was the place for me, and I’m so right. Although I have grown, made friends, traveled, explored, and learned outside of Chi Omega, that really helped me become the person I am today. I would not be in Ethiopia, I would not be as outgoing, thoughtful, or kind as I am if it weren’t for my membership in Chi Omega.

            Chi Omega has helped me in more ways than I can ever express in words, but between it’s ideals, it’s membership, and the sisters I have met along the way, it deserves a little recognition. To all my sisters who have helped me from near and far, both in huge ways and in the small moments, thank you.

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