Sunday, December 21, 2014

25 Things I Learned At IST

1-Being able to speak for a whole week in fast English is amazing

2-I am beginning to lose my pop culture references (my brain is actually being taken up with useful information now)

3-Food in Addis (well firenji food) is more than triple the price of Ethiopian food at site

4-One of the best feelings in the world is crawling into a comfy bed after a long day of training and dinner out in Addis

5-Knowing Tigrinia is great when you live in Tigray, but unhelpful once you get to Addis and everyone speaks Amharic

6-Always bring bags that have extra room when you go to Peace Corps trainings, I about doubled my amount of stuff with books and materials given

7-It’s interesting to hear others stories from their first 3 months at site and realizing most challenges are the same for everyone

8-Staying in and watching a movie with friends is more enjoyable than going out- there is nothing to regret in the morning

9-Being in country is tough and some people can’t handle it. That’s ok. It’s not a shame if you go home because you aren’t happy

10-There are so many cool opportunities to be a part of from Peace Corps in your community- including camps, contests, and trainings

11-After being in site for 3 months, everyone became more cynical about life

12-When a store tells you they will order something, call to make sure they actually do instead of just assuming they will, or else they won’t have it when you come in for a computer battery that you desperately need

13-PCVs can have entire conversations in not proper English or full sentences and still completely understand what is going on

14-After 3 months at site, our version of dressing up professionally is more about which clothes don’t have stains or dirt on them

15-Computer virus’s spread quicker than anything else, and Kacey K is our miracle computer healer and wiz

16-We get very competitive with games in sessions

17-Sometimes a listening ear and a smiling face is all someone needs to see to make their day better

18-There is ice in Ethiopia, you just have to go to Addis to find it

19-Wifi at Ghion hotel works great, until 59 Peace Corps volunteers all try to get on at the same time

20-It is possible to strain a foot muscle when walking around Addis for 2 hours at night with all your stuff trying to find your hotel from the airport

21-Addis water tastes disgusting, Adwa has the best water

22-Getting stuff off other people’s harddrives is still amazing—gotta love getting all of Grey’s Anatomy and at least 100 TED talks

23-Sometimes the people you were close to during PST become distant friends based off of geographical region, but it’s ok because there are plenty of people to hang out with

24-It’s seriously the little things in life- like sliced bread with butter, bacon, ice cream, big cups of buna, and cool mornings

25-Unless something changes, I won’t see the rest of my group until October for our MST (mid service training), meaning we are on our own until then

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