Sunday, September 7, 2014

Wish List

Here is my “Wish List” of things that I would either like to have here, or things that remind me of home.

My mom has had success sending me packages, so if you need tips or help sending packages, she would be the best person to ask.
Of course, these are just things that I have thought of. But I am always up for receiving things that aren’t on this list ;) Packages can be expensive, so if people want to pair up to send things that’s fine too. My mom said that different packages cost different things, but most cost between $40-$80. So if a group of people want to pair up, that would be better. My birthday is October 13: just a little reminder :)

These might seem like random things, but these are things that I either need or want over here that we either can’t get here or that are expensive, but that will send well. For example: there is no cheese stuff over here, but sending “real” cheese products in the mail won’t work- however mac and cheese packets and Velveeta will send (we have plenty of noodles, so I don’t need those.)

-    Rice krispy treats
-    Brown super poptarts
-    Mac and cheese packets
-    Nutter butters
-    Sadie’s pecan cookies
-    Ranch/BBQ packets
-    Triscuits
-    Reese’s
-    Pringles
-    Gold fish
-    Instant breakfast stuff (that I can mix with water)
-    Water flavor packets
-    Hot chocolate mix
-    Velveeta
-    Bacon bits (actually- anything with bacon)

-    Toms (or knock offs)
-    Stuffed animal
-    World map (to use in my classroom or to hang in my room)
-    US map (to hang in my room)
-    Coloring books
-    Watch
-    Hand sanitizer (the small, portable ones)
-    Burt’s bees
-    NM/US/Chi O/Lobo stickers to decorate my water bottle and other things
-    Grammar book (with rules)
-    Ziploc bags
-    Tacks

As much as I would love this stuff though, I want pictures and letters more than anything. You can type the letters, they don’t have to be hand written or anything, but reading notes from home is what gets me through the hard days and nights.
If you send me a package or letter, I can’t guarantee it, but I will try and send a letter back J I love receiving mail. I know it’s expensive, and not everyone can send things. But I love knowing I’m being thought of.

Thanks! I will post an updated list once I get to site and start to think of more things I am missing or need.

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