Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Starting to prepare

I have been looking forward to serving in the Peace Corps and my impending departure from the United States as soon as I found out my placement. I was worried at first, because I didn't think that they would actually take me as soon as I put my "availability." My friends who just graduated with me have been busy getting ready for graduate school or going into jobs. Because my major was education, many of my classmates have been enjoying their summer off before they begin their "real jobs" in the school system here.
I on the other hand, have been looking up Peace Corps blogs, buying more business clothes, and answering a million questions about where I am going to be, how long I will be gone, and what I will be doing, etc. Although these questions are exciting to answer, I think I have been denying the fact that I am actually leaving (now in less than a week). I pride myself in being "a free spirit", but I also am a home body in a lot of ways, and this will be a very different, exhilarating, and terrifying experience that I'm not sure I'm ready for.
I have been procrastinating in a lot of things, including packing and saying "good bye" to people, because it doesn't feel real that I am actually leaving. I keep telling myself I have more time than I actually do.
Although all of this is true, I have found safety in numbers. I just rediscovered an email yesterday with the list of people going in the group with me to Ethiopia to teach. There are 65 of us! I also decided to do some Facebook investigations and found a group specifically for my Ethiopia Peace Corps group. Many of the members had already been exchanging notes, questions, and answers. But, what I found coming in is that everyone is having similar experiences in a lot of ways.
I get into Washington D.C. (my staging city) the evening before staging and was worried what I would do that evening. I over think everything, and I know that if I am left to sit in a hotel room by myself, that it would not do well for me. Instead, a big group of us have exchanged phone numbers and intend to grab dinner, drinks, and do some sight seeing together before we begin our crazy journey.
I am also very excited, because I have found at least 5 other women going in my group are Panhellenic women, including a fellow Chi Omega. I am always impressed with Panhellenic women, but this just goes to show me how passionate and go-getting we can be. I am very hopefully that I can make bonds with everyone in my group, but especially these lovely women, and who knows-- there might be more Greeks out there that just aren't as addicted to Facebook as others ;)

Thanks for reading my first blog post! I will continue to post as much as I can :)


  1. Im so glad you found the facebook group, even if you found it as late as you did lol Im so excited for this experience tooo! and IDK how you find the "who, what, when, where and why" Peace corps questions exciting... im so annoyed by them now lol but more power to you! Cant wait to meet you soon! 5 days and counting XD

  2. wish you lots and lots of adventures. what you are doing and what you will be seeing will stay with you the rest of your life. I am sure that your Dad is extremely proud of you (and nervous as all get out for your safety). Be careful but enjoy!

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  4. Kelsey,
    You will find "the teacher" in you when you begin daily routines in YOUR classroom. I know that you have the skills to perserve and handle difficult situations.
