As 2014 draws to a close and 2015 comes around, I have had a
chance to really reflect on my life-changing year. 2014 has probably been the
biggest year of my life to date with the graduating college and beginning my
journey as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia.
2014 was full of many memories, laughs, excitement, tears,
and frustrations. I worked for a short time at Justice with some amazing
coworkers and bosses before realizing I just could not handle taking classes,
working retail, being in Chi Omega, and student teaching full time. I had the
opportunity to be a coteacher in the Bandelier program and that gave me the
good fortune to meet and work with some of my amazing classmates. I also had
the privilege to coteach with Kathleen Cole and learn so many things that I
didn’t even realize until I left her classroom. Even though those kids drove me
crazy, I miss them everyday over here.
I completed living in 1810 Mesa Vista Rd for 4 years and I
completed my incredible time in Chi Omega with a great semester of “lasts”. I
was asked to be the spring babies GWO and was able to write letters to them
every week, hoping that inspired them to continue on their Chi Omega journey. I
hold so many memories from that last semester in Chi Omega that I can’t even
begin to count. I got to see a wish granted through Make-A-Wish and got to
celebrate my last active Eleusinian with my entire blood Chi Omega family.
This semester even though I am far away my Chi Omega family
doubled in size and I am so grateful to have added Stephani, Misha, Kadisha,
Aubriana, Kaitie, (and Stephanie) to my family that I already hold so dear.
Even though I have never met them in person, they have helped me more than they
know. I also was very excited to see my Grandlittle Meagan get elected
President of Pi Gamma, my GGL Yvan get elected Secretary and my GGL Jordan get
elected Personnel Chair. I can not wait to see how them and the rest of the new
exec board help grows the chapter.
I was able to take 2 incredible trips during 2014. One
during my spring break to visit Laura in California where I was able to spend a
few days relaxing, meeting new friends, taking in my last few college times,
and spending the day releasing my inner child at Disneyland. I was also able to
visit New York City with my mom for the first time, see Broadway shows, and do
all the touristy things while eating good food and making memories.
This brings me to my life changing moments: walking across
the stage to receive my diploma and swearing into Peace Corps. I was so
grateful to be able to not only graduate in 4 years with a degree I love, but I
was able to graduate with all of my family there. All 4 of my grandparents were
able to watch me graduate with honors and I was able to see some of my cousins
and aunts and uncles who I hadn’t seen in a long time. It felt so good to hold
that diploma in my hand and know I was done with undergrad (I’m still torturing
myself with more school and plan to go to grad school when I get back to the
I also decided to embark upon this crazy 27 month long
journey in Ethiopia. I had no idea what to expect and up until I got on the
plane to come to Ethiopia I was second guessing myself: I have never been away
from home for more than 2 weeks, what was I thinking?
I got here and realized that even though it was going to be
the hardest thing I will ever do, that this is what I am meant to do. The
culture is so different, teaching is hard, and sometimes I roll up in a ball
and cry. Missing my birthday and the holidays at home were hard. But the random
little moments like seeing my students get it, or seeing my compound kids run
up to me, or just something as simple as a good cup of buna reminds me why I am
doing this.
I have met some absolutely unbelievable people here.
Training was good because I got to see them every day, and it’s been really
hard not being able to see my friends I became so close to on a daily basis,
but I am grateful to be able to text them whenever I need them and they
understand more than anybody what I am going through.
2014 brought me lots of new friends that have grown to become
some of my best friends. It also showed me who is really in my life, who is
always supportive, and who I can count on no matter what. I can’t mention
everybody who has made a difference in my life. Just know that if you have ever
sent me a message, written on my wall, sent me a letter, or just liked
something that has been enough to let me know that you are thinking about me.
The love and support I have received and been shown in this
past year is unmeasarable and I am more grateful for that than you will ever
know. I especially want to give a shout out to my AMAZING family- especially my
parents, grandparents, and siblings. You all have made me who I am. Thank you.
To the rest of my family, my Chi Omega sisters, and my
friends: Thank you as well for helping me through 2014. I’m going to need your
help a lot in 2015, so don’t go anywhere.
I can’t “shout out” to everyone who has helped me, but here
are the people who I think deserve a name recognition: Mom, dad, Parker, Erin,
Aly, Erin, Matthew, grandma and grandpa, grandma and granddad, Aunt Karen,
Uncle Ernie, Amanda, Katie, Chris, Braxton, Aunt Ginger, Uncle Jack, Aaron,
Brandon, Paige, Aunt Terri, Uncle Dwight, Seth, Tad, Joy.
Aunt Nicole, Big Kara, GL Cassandra, GL Stephanie, GL
Meagan, GGL Kaitie, GGL Misha, GGL Yvan, GGL Jordan, GGGL Stephani, GGGL
Aubriana. Alex Grandia, Kayla Lo, Bet, Courtney D, Clare S, Delia, Gen R,
Shannon G, Nicole H, Alyssa H, RyAnne W, Alysa B, Val R, Maggie L, Patty H,
Missy S, Monica M, Ashley M, Sam M, Jillian M, Danielle R, Devon L, Cailee H,
Gabriela G, Krissy F, Suzanne F, Sarah C, Kayleigh R, Kristen S.
Alex B, Lynda V, Loren K, Abby N, Jeremiah H, Carson R,
Rachel H, Kami H, Ashley P, Ben M, Jamie K, Barbara S, Penny E, Melissa B,
Godmother Betsy, Dawn G, Louise L, Pam P-M, Ruth N, Joan E, Tammy D, Kathy C,
Claudia C, Kathleen C, Mary E, Jane A, Clint P, Tyler E, Raquel L, William G,
Dustin W.
I am looking forward to 2015. Barring unforeseen or extreme
circumstances, I will spend the entire year outside of the US without stepping
foot on US soil. I have 2 more semesters of teaching (this years spring and
next years fall), I have a summer break where (hopefully) my dad will come to
visit me in Ethiopia and I will (definitely) be meeting my mom and stepdad in
Europe where I will travel there for the first time. I will be taking the GRE
and applying to grad schools for 2016. I will hopefully be doing some fun
projects over here, including English and Gender clubs, permagardening (if I
get picked for training), and working with a health organization called Nala
Foundation. I hope to continue to make new friends over here and make lots of
memories. I know it will probably be a more challenging, difficult, and trying year
than 2014, but I hope it will also be a more inspirational, different, and fun
one too.
Here’s to an incredible 2014 and an even better 2015!
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